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KALMAR: Nordic Prayer Conference Jan 4-6, 2024

Writer: Norden 7:14Norden 7:14

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

KALMAR JAN 4-5 - Leadership Conference

JAN 5-6 - Prayer Conference open for everyone in Kalmarsalen


”The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt 9:37-38)

Kalmar is known for the Kalmar Union, where all the Nordic countries established a union in 1397, and for Kalmar Nyckel, the famous ship that took Swedish emigrants to the New World in America. It crossed the Atlantic more times than any other ship in its time.

We believe that God will use this conference to lead the church in the Nordic countries into a common calling in the end times for revival in Europe.

The conference will be simultaneously translated into English for anyone who does not understand Scandinavian languages.

We pray for the common calling of the Nordic countries:

  1. The unity of the Spirit in the Nordic countries with the cross in their flags

  2. A New Generation of fearless preachers like Gideon's 300

  3. International preachers sent by the Lord to the Nordic countries

  4. The revival from the north down through Europe back to Jerusalem

  5. The revival's crucial connection to Israel


Sweden: Lars Enarson, Gösta Bergkvist, Steve Churchill, Fredric Crona, Johnny Foglander, Jonatan Fransson, Åke Samuelsson, Birger Skoglund, and others

Norway: Gunnar Brudeli, Jan Ernst Gabrielsen, Remy Hornes, Ricardo Matos, and others

Finland: Kenneth Witick, Lukas Enström, and others

Denmark: Ulrik Flinta, and others

Faroe Islands: Jenis av Rana

We have been praying in Norden 7:14 for revival since 2018. January 2024 marks the beginning of the seventh year, the year of freedom in which we look forward to a spiritual breakthrough!

Watch these videos: 

Kjell Sjöberg wrote in 1986: 

"[The Lord says:] 'I have a plan for the Nordic countries, therefore it is important that the intercessors from these countries meet together. My glory shall explode in the Nordic countries ... The Christians of the Nordic countries have important things to give to each other in order to reach a common maturity. ... The Nordic countries shall belong to me, and from there I will begin my work of deliverance. the Nordic countries with the cross in their flags belong to me.' …

"We strengthen the unity in the Nordic countries through every person who says yes to a divine calling concerning the Nordic countries..."

"We want to stand before the Lord for Jesus' lordship over the Nordic countries, and we want to connect the Nordic countries with Israel, and we also want to take the position where the Nordic countries can become a base for what the Lord will do on the European continent."[1]


Prophetic message about the Nordic Prayer Conference in Kalmar by Evangelist Åke Samuelsson on 11/9-23: 

"Now is your opportunity. You must get down on your knees and fast and pray. Because I want to shake Kalmar to its foundations. Seek Me with all your heart and soul, and I will show you which strongholds you must break down, that My will may be done. But you must get down on your knees and seek Me. Yes, I will speak to you, saith the Lord, when ye seek Me. For this will unleash a revival, which will touch all of Europe."

Prophetic message about the Nordic Prayer Conference in Kalmar by Gösta Bergkvist on 22/10-23:

"This prayer conference will prepare the way for me from the Nordic countries through Europe. ... It will be a starting point for what will happen in our Nordic countries. For the Lord will draw all the people to come to Kalmar who feel this conformation in their heart, that "I want to be involved in preparing the way so that our Nordic countries become a prepared people". 

It starts with us entering into prayer, into earnest prayer from the heart. The Lord wants nothing more than to sustain us with the Spirit of grace and supplication. He will pour out the Spirit of revelation so that we may get hold of the fresh word from God's heart, that he wants to speak to the church in Kalmar. 

I want you to prepare for this conference, to get down on your knees, to fast and cry out to Me, and you will see that what I have expressed, it is going to happen. But first, I want a people who are prepared for me to come and to be welcomed. And I will come to Kalmar as a welcomed guest." 


We call for fasting and prayer on Mondays for this important conference! Let us obey the calling of the Spirit of God to fast and pray for this conference! If you do not have the opportunity to fast during these days, we encourage you to do so on the days that are convenient for you. 


Thursday 19:00 and Friday 09:00–16:30 Leadership Conference 

Theme: A new generation of preachers in the Nordic countries!

Introductory Conference for Christian Leaders, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, etc. (We encourage married couples to come together) NOTE! Limited space. Pre-registration required. Pre-register as a leader here!

Thu 19:00 Session 1 Are we prepared for suffering?

Fri 9:00 Session 2: A New Leadership Culture

11:00 Session 3 Praying Preachers

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Session 4 Antisemitism and Replacement Theology

Friday 19:00 and Saturday 09:00-22:00 Open conference for everyone in Kalmarsalen

Fri 19:00 Opening meeting: The Cross - The Calling on the Nordic countries!

Sat 09:00-16:30 Day of prayer and fasting for a spiritual breakthrough in the Nordic countries. Specific prayer points will be presented by different leaders. (Fasting is voluntary.) 

Sat 19:00 Final meeting: The way forward!

The Prayer Conference is a collaboration between Norden 7:14 and Bönefacklan (Prayer Torch) led by Pastor Fredric Crona in Kalmar.


We have a very advantageous agreement for all conference participants with First Hotel Witt, a first-class hotel within walking distance of Kalmarsalen.

Payment on arrival. Can be cancelled up to 1 day before arrivalSingle room 650 SEK/room and night

Standard Double room 750 SEK/room and nigh

tSuperior double room 850 SEK/room and night

Includes VAT and breakfast buffet

Book your hotel room as soon as possible on +46 480-15250! NB! Use the code "Bönefacklan" and you will get this great price!

There are also other good hotels within walking distance to Kalmarsalen, such as ProfilHotels Calmar Stadshotell.

Connections to Kalmar

Direct flights to Kalmar from Stockholm, Bromma Airport (There are direct buses between Arlanda and Bromma.)

Direct trains from Kastrup and from Gothenburg Central Station and other locations, as well as from Stockholm Central Station with one change.


[1] Kjell Sjöberg, God's Kingdom Plan for the Nordic Countries (1986), p. 5, 24, 31.



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