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How You Can Develop a Powerful Prayer Life
“The end of all things is near. Therefore, be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray” (1 Pet 4:7).
An effective, personal prayer life is an absolute necessity in the end times. Thousands around the world have been helped and inspired by this practical teaching to develop a powerful prayer life.
Prayer is working together with God to change the world around us. Nothing is impossible!
Discover how the prayer of intercession works and how you can pray like Jesus prayed. The greatest revival in history is ahead of us. Every revival has always been preceded by persevering, intense prayer. God is looking for intercessors!
The School of Prayer consists of 4 lessons on video and a Workbook with over 160 study questions based on Scripture.
1. Download, or order the Workbook
If you download the Workbook, we recommend that you print it out and put it in a ring binder. Here are links to download or buy the Workbook:
Download the English Workbook here (PDF).
Order the English Workbook online here.
2. Watch the video lessons below
3. Answer the questions in the Workbook after each lesson
4. Sign up to join the Ten Thousand trained Prayer Warriors
School of Prayer English

WHY PRAY? | School of Prayer (Lesson 1)

WHAT IS PRAYER? | School of Prayer (Lesson 2)